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Patti's Boatsinker Pie Moonshine Brownies


Happy Tuesday Folks. I hope everyone is well on this beautiful, sunny day. Just another hint that spring is right around the corner. And I just can’t wait. I have already ordered plants and seed for my garden and am looking so forward to getting them in the ground. I know I still have a while to wait. But planting in my garden is one of my favorite things to do.

But back to today. lol. I have decided to make March our Moonshine Madness month. Share different hacks using our moonshine to tweak regular desserts and add just a kick of flavor to them.

So today I made some brownies. The good ole box kind because my momma is a little under the weather and my time is limited. I used the supreme triple chunk though, so they are not so plain. It called for ¼ cup water I used half that, then added a 2 oz of Patti’s Boat Sinker Pie Moonshine. Baked as directed. While they were baking I warmed a 12oz jar of hot fudge sauce and added 1 TBSP Patti’s Boat Sinker Pie Moonshine.

When the brownies were done and cooled just a bit, I put one in a bowl, added a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and topped with the hot fudge sauce, a little whipped cream and a cherry. I may or may not have added just a splash of moonshine to the whipped cream as well and I have to say they were pretty and delicious.

Just an old favorite dessert with a little kick. I hope you enjoy.

Until Next Time,



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